
Say hello to ChapaGPT, your personal web assistant that is set to revolutionize the way you interact with the web. Tired of browsing through endless website content to find the answers you need? ChapaGPT is here to bid farewell to information overload and provide a seamless browsing experience with its revolutionary Chrome extension.

How Does ChapaGPT Work?
ChapaGPT leverages cutting-edge AI technology to understand the context of any website and lets you communicate via a chat interface. You can ask questions and get instant, accurate answers, transforming your web browsing experience.

ChapaGPT Key Features and Benefits

  • Ask Questions: Engage with ChapaGPT's chat interface to quickly find the information you're looking for.
  • Summarize Content: Let ChapaGPT digest lengthy articles and provide you with clear, concise summaries in seconds.
  • Grammar & Punctuation Check: Say goodbye to typos and errors with ChapaGPT's real-time grammar and punctuation checker that keeps your writing sharp in any text field.
  • Customize Your Web Assistant: Easily customize prompts, settings, language, and more to suit your needs.
  • Voice Command Integration: Interact with ChapaGPT using voice commands for a hands-free and more accessible browsing experience.
  • Compose Text: Craft compelling text, swiftly reply to emails, effortlessly generate engaging copy, and produce captivating newsletters and blogs, all within moments.

Country: Portugal | Categories: AI on social networks, AI in public sector,